Interested in joining the lab?
We are a technology development lab; our primary focus is developing systems for image acquisition and image formation. We are particularly interested in developing imaging technologies and techniques for image guidance. If you like working with signals, writing code, building and testing devices, or working at the interface between hardware and software, this lab could be a fit for you.
Prospective graduate students
Yes we are looking for graduate students! Current and incoming GT students, please email Dr. Lindsey if you are interested in joining this lab.
If you are interested in joining this lab and planning to apply to a graduate program to begin in Fall 2025 or later (BME, BioE, or ECE), please mention Dr. Lindsey’s name in your application.
Lab members will receive mentoring in experimental design, documentation, analysis, scientific communication (written and oral), and fundamentals of acoustics, ultrasound systems, transducers, and contrast agents. There is a strong emphasis on developing technologies that solve clinical challenges, although we do engineering research, not clinical research. Research is a collaboration—we must understand the problems we are trying to solve first and must apply sound engineering techniques, but each individual’s unique ideas, experiences, interests, and strengths will contribute to the research solutions that are ultimately developed in response to the problems. We want you to work on things that you find engaging, and we want to help you reach your personal and professional goals!
Postdoc candidates
If you are interested in a postdoctoral researcher position, please submit a one page cover letter, CV including date of graduation, and contact information for three references as a single PDF to Brooks Lindsey ( with subject: “Application for Postdoc Researcher position”. Applications will be considered immediately and on a rolling basis.